72 Treffer:
21. Monitoring von mobilen Apps durch GUI-Testautomatisierung   Continuous quality assurance during software development is especially important to ensure that the product meets the requirements. Automated tests are an effective way of verifying this to process re  
22. Konzeption und Pilotierung einer Load Balancing Lösung für ein Workforce Management System   The goal of this thesis is to pilot a load balancing solution for a PostgreSQL database for the Dr. Herwig GmbH. For this purpose, the impact of the network latency between the API of the workforce ma  
23. Ein Vergleich   This thesis discusses the topic of Enterprise Agile Planning Tools, which are use to scale agile project management, thus making it useable for large scale projects. The goal of this thesis is t  
24. Ein Vergleich von Softwaresystemen zur Unterstützung skalierbarer Projektmanagementframeworks   This thesis discusses the topic of Enterprise Agile Planning Tools, which are use to scale agile project management, thus making it useable for large scale projects. The goal of this thesis is to m  
25. Vergleichende Analyse von Web-Content-Management-Systemen hinsichtlich Performance, Aufwand und Nutzerfreundlichkeit   This paper focuses on the comparison of the two Content Management Systems TYPO3 and WordPress. Chosen functionalities are tested in doability but also performance, needed effort and user friendliness  
26. Generisches Clustern hochkomplexer Produktdaten   This master thesis is about cluster analysis of structured and complex product data as they appear frequently in typical Product Information Management Systems. A new hierarchical divisive clustering  
27. Ein Vergleich verschiedener Frameworks zur Entwicklung einer Cross-Plattform-App   This bachelor thesis compares different frameworks that can be used to develop a cross- platform app. The approach of cross-platform app development offers various advantages over conventional approac  
28. Konzeption und Umsetzung eines Application Lifecycle Mangement Systems im Rahmen von Automotive Spice   The aim of this bachelor thesis is to create a template in the ALM tool codeBeamer, in the version 21.04 (Dorothy), which supports the execution of the Automotive Spice processes in the context of th  
29. Ein Vergleich von Softwaresystemen zur Unterstützung skalierbarer agiler Projektmanagementframeworks   This thesis discusses the topic of Enterprise Agile Planning Tools, which are use to scale agile project management, thus making it useable for large scale projects. The goal of this thesis is to m  
30. Digitalisierung und ihr nutzen in einem Kleinunternehmen   Companies such as the Nordwand climbing gym in Erfurt are increasingly daring to take the step towards digitalization. Combined with the corona pandemic, it is increasingly important to take this step  
Suchergebnisse 21 bis 30 von 72