72 Treffer:
41. Induktives Lernen von formalen Grammatiken durch Identification by Enumeration   In this thesis, a system was implemented in the Python programming language that identifies formal languages by using the identification by enumeration learning procedure. For this purpose, positive a  
42. Prozessautomatisierung in der Luftfahrt mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Special Occurrences   This master thesis deals with the automation of business processes in the professional environment of aviation in order to advance digitalization and automation in the area of special occurrences (exc  
43. Reactive Programming - Vergleich von Programmierparadigmen und deren Einfluss auf die Software-Performance   This master thesis was written in the period from July 2021 to January 2022 and forms the conclusion of my master's degree in Applied Computer Science at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt. The  
44. Einsatzszenarien von Process Engines zur Orchestrierung und Entwicklung von Microservices   Abstract: This thesis deals with the solution of typical problems in microservice architectures with the help of a process engine. Different problem areas such as resilience, distributed transactio  
45. IT-Service-Management für deutsche Unternehmen - Relevanz und Einführung   Abstract: This master thesis deals with the topic of IT service management and how it is currently implemented in German companies. In order to clarify this topic, a survey is designed and conducte  
46. Akzeptanz und Ablehnung von neuer ERP-Software durch die Nutzer am Beispiel SAP Business One   Abstract: This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of acceptance and rejection of ERP software implementations by the user. The system SAP Business One is presented as an example. ERP systems are  
47. Optimierung der Ladezeit von datenintensiven Webanwendungen am Beispiel von Sitzplänen eines Online-Ticket-Händlers   With increasing importance of websites in our purchasing behaviour, companies aim to provide the best user experience for their customers. A fundamental element of this is the reduction of webpage loa  
48. Entwurf und Implementierung einer Bildverarbeitung zur Objekt- und Texterkennung Zur Automatisierung einer Einfahrt   Entrances, may it be for shopping malls, Company terrain or public parking spaces, are often controlled via human interactions through park tickets or chips. Loosing these may be costly and causes ext  
49. AR-Cloud Technologien für die interaktive Nutzung von Digital Twins am Beispiel des FH-Campus   ABSTRACT: The field of Augmented Reality will get bigger and more important. Till now this field isn’t really important to the private user, but the great tech corporations invest millions in the res  
50. Konzeption und Entwicklung einer IDE-Erweiterung zur Visualisierung und Analyse von Ablaufbeschreibungen   The main goal of this thesis is the description of the development of an extension for an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for code analysis and representation of, from Dr. Herwig GmbH company  
Suchergebnisse 41 bis 50 von 72